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Downtown Santa Rosa

Ilfeld Warehouse/GCDC
Click on the photo to view a brief video on the Historical Ilfeld Warehouse which now houses GCDC/Santa Rosa Mainstreet.

Ilfeld Warehouse Project Plans
Click the link to view the Ilfeld Warehouse Project Plan.

Santa Rosa NM
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Ilfeld Warehouse/GCDC
Click on the photo to view a brief video on the Historical Ilfeld Warehouse which now houses GCDC/Santa Rosa Mainstreet.
The Santa Rosa MainStreet is an independent nonprofit local program to facilitate a shared vision for our downtown, encourage economic vitality, and celebrate Santa Rosas’ cultural and historic assets.
SRMS has been an accredited program for three years and is a part of the New Mexico Mainstreet. The NM Economic Development Department supports the process and aids MainStreet-accredited Communities.

We work to improve the image and perception of the downtown. Part of this work includes planning events, promotions, and activities to increase public awareness and draw people into the district to not only celebrate our history and heritage, but to encourage them to shop, eat and play in downtown Santa Rosa.
We are a volunteer driven program and we need your help!
Our board of directors and committees all work toward the same goal of reviving the downtown area. We work at getting everyone focused in the same direction by assembling financial as well as public resources to implement a downtown revitalization program.
We want to draw attention to Downtown Santa Rosa's best assets and keep the area in top physical shape. We do this by capitalizing on the historic buildings and sidewalks that made downtown flourish years ago. A great example is the restoration of Bill's Place. In turn, design improvements result in more dollars being spent in downtown.
We plan and promote events to increase public interest and draw consumers to shop, eat, and play in downtown Santa Rosa.
We want to increase public traffic. We do this by having festivals, parades and events in downtown Santa Rosa.
Economic Vitality
We want to fill the unused and dilapidated spaces in Downtown. We do this by recruiting new businesses and staying up to date on the current market. We work towards sharpening the competitiveness of the existing businesses to respond to today’s consumer needs. A recent example of such rehabilitation is the
Pecos Theater.
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